Trust and integrity are key concepts of a modern corporate culture. A company that wants to sustainably exist and grow in the market is dependent on the trust of its environment, its customers and suppliers, its employees, locally and globally. We have committed ourselves to this in our Code of Conduct, which describes the implementation and application of our corporate principles in the situations of daily operational life.
With globally valid rules of conduct, we protect our employees, our company as well as our customers and partners. Prevention and control measures, which include the dual control principle and regular audits, are designed to support our value-based compliance system. In addition, there is a mandatory compliance training programme for our employees.
The compliance system is supplemented by a whistleblower system. Employees have the possibility to report irregular behaviour at any time. As responsible and lawful behaviour beyond our corporate boundaries is important to us, we have introduced a code of conduct for suppliers. Compliance with legal requirements, transparency and fair competition are essential components of our everyday business. Accordingly, we place high demands on ourselves, but also on our suppliers, when it comes to fair competition, the fight against corruption, data protection, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, the avoidance of conflicts of interest and the protection of assets and information.
In a rapidly changing environment, we constantly review our compliance system in order to be able to adapt our rules and processes to new legal and technical developments, if necessary.
Further information on Compliance in Purchasing can be found here. The certificates for our sites can be found here.